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2021-07-07 09:02:00


Our compliance program focuses on individual transactions and electronic duties returns (EDR) clients who assess documents on behalf of customers. 


Initiatives include: 


conducting audits on EDR clients, to ensure the conditions of approval are being adhered to, assessments are accurate, records are kept, systems and procedures adhere to the directions for using electronic duties returns PDF, 788.43 KB, and transactions are identified where duty has not been paid, or has been underpaid 

reviewing high-value property transfers 

identifying and investigating transfers of motor vehicle registrations, where the correct value has not been used to calculate the duty payable 

reviewing and investigating property transfers with a dutiable value over $3m, which may be liable to premium property duty if the correct amount of duty has not been paid 

reviewing and investigating recipients of the new home grant, where information available indicates that the grant has been paid to ineligible applicants 

using a range of data-matching initiatives, based on internal and external data, to ensure compliance by identifying transactions that have not been lodged for assessment 

reviewing and investigating landholder lodgements 

investigating referrals for landholder transactions, where the correct duty may not have been paid 

reviewing and investigating exemptions and concessions, including corporate reconstructions 

reviewing and investigating transactions involving surcharge purchaser duty. 


Common errors for duties include: 


not reviewing the purchaser/transferee declaration PDF, 176.04 KB, to determine whether customers are ordinarily resident or foreign 

not aggregating transactions 

not complying with legislative and evidentiary requirements 

not following EDR procedures, including record-keeping 

using valuations that may not reflect accurate dutiable values when processing a transaction 

failing to declare the correct dutiable value when transferring the registration of a motor vehicle 

processing vacant land and non-residential transactions as off-the-plan 

not including GST in assessing liability for duty 

applying exemptions or concessions incorrectly when making assessments.